June 25, 2003

Family reunites

Two weeks ago my siblings and I, there are 5 of us, reuinted with our Mother, for the first time under the same roof for 23 years! This may be the start, time permitting, of a few thoughts on the gathering, which was amazing to say the least... We all got on!

Posted by ag at 12:28 AM | Comments (2)

June 24, 2003

Wot makes me tick?

Every so often someone asks me to define one or more aspects of my work. This may take the form of a lecture, proposal notes or a chat over beer at the local.

This morning, a question was put to me regarding the integration of audio and visual material in real time performance. Having, without trumpeting my own horn too much, I believe contributed something towards the evolution of improvised video and sound performance in Melbourne, I felt it opportune to state my case, and in some respects clarify for myself what it is that makes my sonic perception tick. Here goes...

The integration of audio and visual components has been integral to my work since the mid-80s. In those days, physical performance in tandem with minimal lighting and projections was central to the surrealist aesthetic I had conceived in largely acoustic based works. From the mid-90s I began a series of collaborations with video artists exploring real-time improvisation of sound and vision, utilising techniques derived from jazz and electroacoutiscs. This resulted in a body of work that saw the integration of motion-control tools, development of context specific visual/sound instruments, large-scale multi-projection performances and more recently, a completely overhauled approach relying more on artistry, aesthetic resonances and intuative skill than reliance on technology. The integration of these two disciplines relies now more on technique, composition and communication than it does on sophisticated and often expensive technologies.

Posted by ag at 10:36 AM | Comments (0)

June 14, 2003

D3: Breaking Ground Meeting

We're ramping up to closure as one might say. The D3 prototype goes live around 14 July. To help us get from here to there we contracted our Technical Director, Grant McHerron, to project manage the remaining components of the project.


There's Frank, Grant and Jeremy... Justina is sitting off on the side. We met this afternoon to ratify the last few tasks, ensuring we deliver our prototype within a reasonable approximation of the original specification.

...and the paper trail rolls on! Grant encourages Jeremy to help us complete the project. Jeremy is one of the top Flash coders in Melbourne. I worked with him on our generative/synthesis beat engine, Freedrum. We "love his work" :)

(Note that link to Freedrum takes you to the SSEYO site, the company that developed the audio engine we used... Some of the gear on this site, like the broken banner adds, have nothing to do with us.)

Posted by ag at 02:57 AM | Comments (0)

D3: The Plinth!

The plinth for the touch-screen arrived today... Unfortunately, it wasn't sized up correctly. Some how the measurments had gone remiss.

d3-bic carpentor03.jpg

Here, the exhibition designer at ACMI, Bich and her carpenter measure up the touchsreen.

d3-bic carpentor02.jpg

Re-measuring the plinth... The touchsreen doesn't fit in the console bay. We need to frame the exterior of the screen to ensure people don't mess with the controls quite accessible from the front.

Also, the angle of the plinth is too low. We do need a reasonable angle to ensure people don't spend their whole experience of the interactive staring at the touch screen.


See the base? That's a tile from the gallery floor. The plinth will be bolted to it, all cables running down the central column and into the floor I suspect.

Posted by ag at 02:37 AM | Comments (0)